Business Mediation
We provide a gold standard mediation service to assist you in bringing a complete resolution to any dispute, conflict or situation involving your business. Having an independent third party assisting can bring about fresh avenues of resolving your conflict as well as facilitating communication in a deadlock situation. Our confidential, bespoke service will be tailored to the specific requirements of your situation and organisation.
Our ability to think outside the box and balance the needs of all parties when problem solving allows us to provide an exceptional service. Whatever your conflict or situation that you want our service for we will be able to provide fresh insight, offer pathways forward and motivate all parties to have a desire to find a resolution.
At Noah Nyle Consultancy we specialise in Transgender and LGBTQIA+ areas of business mediation and resolution. Often in business situations which involve an issue surrounding Transgender or LGBTQIA+ staff or concerns there is no representation on the part of the organisation who has lived experience and expertise in these topics. We are able to provide a mediation/conflict resolution support package that will include the lived experience and expertise in this area that will be able to assist in finding real solutions and potentially save your company a lot of money in legal fees by resolving the situation before legal action is taken.
If you would like to talk through your organisations situation confidentially with us please contact us now.